Post-Incident Review: The Case of the Very Rude Message

Incident Overview

On 2 August 2024, our community was treated to an unexpected and very unwelcome surprise when hackers exploited an unprotected service side event to display a rather rude message on screens across our platform. This unfortunate incident was visible to everyone, including our beloved streamers. Here’s the story of what happened, how we responded, and our plan to keep things more polite in the future.

Timeline of Events

Initial Discovery:
Date: 2 August 2024
Time: 16:23
Reports started rolling in about a very rude message appearing on screens. Our first reaction? "Well, that's not very nice."

Immediate Response: Our tech gurus sprang into action, diving into the digital depths to figure out how this message got through. The culprit? An unprotected service side event that we totally knew about and, for reasons we still don’t understand, hadn’t fixed yet. Oops.

Containment: Instead of taking down the whole server, we simply stopped the specific resource causing the problem. Kind of like putting a lid on a boiling pot. We alerted everyone about the situation because nobody likes a rude surprise, especially on a Tuesday (or any day, really).

Root Cause Analysis: We quickly identified the vulnerability (which we already knew about, remember?) and patched it up faster than you can say "cybersecurity." Turns out, leaving parts of our system unprotected is a bad idea. Who knew?

Apology and Accountability

We’re really sorry for the very rude message that invaded your screens. We know you expect a secure and pleasant experience, and this was definitely not it. Our bad. We promise to keep things more PG in the future.

Actions Taken and Future Prevention

Security Patch and Service Hardening: We’ve patched the exploited service and added extra security measures. No more unwelcome messages.

Comprehensive Security Audit: We’re doing a full security sweep of all our services, making sure every digital nook and cranny is secure. Think of it as a cybersecurity spring cleaning.

Enhanced Monitoring and Incident Response: We’ve upgraded our monitoring systems to catch any funny business before it gets out of hand. Our incident response team is now on high alert, ready to tackle any unexpected messages.

Community Communication: We’ll keep you in the loop about our security measures and any steps we’re taking to keep things running smoothly. Got feedback? We’re all ears (and eyes).


We get it—security mishaps aren’t fun, especially when they involve very rude messages. But rest assured, we’re on it. We’re taking all the necessary steps to keep our platform secure and friendly. Thanks for sticking with us through this digital adventure.

Stay secure, stay awesome!

FDG Development Team