Appealing Administrative Decisions

Banned for cheating or hacking? You will not be unbanned. Click to learn more.

All account owners generally have the right to appeal administrative decisions issued against their account. Administrative decisions include:

  • Timeouts
  • Warnings
  • Temporary & Permanent Bans

You should submit an appeal if you reasonably believe:

  • An administrative decision was issued incorrectly; or,
  • An administrative decision is overly harsh

Submitting an Appeal

All appeals must be submitted online via the FDG Support Portal. The FDG Forums, where appeals were formerly lodged, reached end-of-life mid 2023.

Step 1 - Consider Your Eligibility

Although all players have a general right to appeal, there are several rules and eligibility requirements to consider. Considering your eligibility before submitting an appeal can prevent wasted time.

Appeals submitted for bans issued in response to a breach of Community Rule C2 are automatically denied. Exceptions only occur when submitted evidence proves the ban was issued in error. Community Rule C2 captures:

  • Cheating
  • Hacking

You should only consider appealing an administrative decision if:

  • An administrative decision was issued incorrectly; or,
  • An administrative decision is overly harsh

Step 2 - Gather Evidence

Evidence is required for most appeals. Prior to drafting an appeal, upload any evidence you intend to submit to a streaming or hosting service like YouTube, Streamable, or Imgur.

Any video evidence submitted must meet FDG's minimum standards listed below. Submitted footage not complying with these standards may not be considered when assessing your appeal.

  • Must include at least 2 minutes of RP, if applicable; and,
  • Must include audio, if available; and,
  • Must not be edited, except for trimming

Step 3 - Submit an Appeal

All appeals are submitted online via FDG Support Portal. Submit an appeal by opening a new ticket in the Administrative Action Appeal category, accessible via the button below or directly via

Submit New Appeal

Login to the Support Portal

Login with your FDG account ID and password. Alternatively, When you attempt to connect to the server, the ban message will include an "Appeal Ban" button. Clicking this button will open the support portal in the browser and automatically log you in.

ban message

Complete the Administrative Action Appeal Form

Malicious or low-effort appeals are automatically denied and repeated misuse of FDG Support Service may cause your access to be revoked.

Ensure this form is completed thoroughly and contains the necessary links to evidence. The form contains helpful instructions to help guide your appeal. Please note this form may change from time-to-time.

FDG Appeals Form

Once complete, click SUBMIT TICKET, you should be automatically redirected to your newly opened ticket.

ban message

Senior Staff review all administrative appeals. You should periodically check for updates to your appeal by viewing your ticket.

Appeals FAQ

How long will my appeal take?

Every administrative appeal is assessed on a case-by-case basis by Senior Staff and does not have a specified response time. All appeals are subject to a minimum 48 hour review period. You should periodically check for updates to your appeal by viewing your ticket.

How can I login to the support portal?

To log into the support portal and view your appeal ticket, visit and login with your FDG account ID and password.

If you cannot remember your password follow the FORGOT? prompt when attempting to sign in. This will guide you to enter your account ID and submit a Discord Reset. See below:

forgot message

If you’re still stuck and cannot remember your account ID head to the bot-commands channel in the FDG Discord, from here you can type !playtime and receive your account ID in the response. See below:

accountid message

Alternatively, When you attempt to connect to the server, the ban message will include an "Appeal Ban" button. Clicking this button will open the support portal in the browser and automatically log you in. Should you remain unable to login, contact our team via the FDG Community Discord.

ban message

My appeal was denied, can I appeal again?

Maybe. Administrative appeal decisions are generally final. You should not appeal again unless instructed to again at a later date. Staff may provide a re-appeal period in the response to your original appeal. Continually submitting appeals unnecessarily may result in your account being banned from accessing FDG Support Services, meaning you'll never be able to submit an appeal again.